Sunday, February 23, 2020

Monitoring the Surf Shoppe Servers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Monitoring the Surf Shoppe Servers - Assignment Example It gives provision for the graphical interface that is used in the customizing of the Data Collector Sets and the Event Tracer Sessions. The Performance Monitoring tool is composed of three monitoring tools of the Windows Server, namely the System Monitor, the Performance Monitor, and the Advisor of the Server Performance. New features, however, have been incorporated: including the Data Collector Sets, the resource view, the diagnostic reporting, scheduling, and templates and wizards for the creation of logs (Hassell 2005). The Overview Screen which is also identified as Performance Icon. In central pane that contains the details, the overview screen is exhibited as home page, when the tool of monitoring performance is called upon. It depicts a graphical representation that is in real-time, for the usage of the CPU, network, memory, and disk for the system of the Windows Server 2008 R2. 1. The Performance Monitor- This is a tool that offers the analysis of performance and information, which is used for the analysis of troubleshooting and the monitoring of performance. The Performance Monitor exhibits the outputs of the performance counter in line graphs, bar chart and the report format. 1. Objects- They are categorized in accordance to the functionality of the system or by alliance in the system. They can symbolize those entities that are logical in nature, for example, the memory. The amount of objects present in the system is based on the configuration of the system. The Data Collector Sets- It assembles the data collectors to elements that can be reused with the diverse situations of performance monitoring. This enables the application of a single change of property to be applied to the whole set of the Data Collectors. The Report Generation- It provides reports that are friendly to the user. It enables one to quickly generate the reports and with the use of the Data Collector Set one can be able to

Friday, February 7, 2020

International Business Environment Assignment Essay

International Business Environment Assignment - Essay Example Outsourcing is viewed by some countries as labour exploitation but a closer look at the impact this practice have to the host country, it is beneficial to the host country in many ways. To start with, there is creation of employment to the host country's population who could otherwise be unemployed if the firm did not relocate to host country. This in turn means there is improved standard of living to the employed individuals as they can now afford a decent life and meet their basic and other needs such as education, health and food. Through employment, people can afford to support themselves and pay taxes to the government through income tax which would be used for social welfare and development purposes. This is the case with American textiles firms in China where they have been able to provide employment to thousands of unemployed Chinese in their factories thus, a source of livelihood. The same case applies to Bangladeshis in Korea who are happy to have found job in American textiles firms in Korea which they save and send some to their family back home. The firm's investment to the host country requires business registration, and meeting other legal requirements which are source of revenue to the host country's government. ... Other countries where firms have been outsourcing labour confirm the positive contributions of these multinational firms to government revenue collection. Multinationals have a tendency of contracting local firms to do for them a number of businesses such as supply of vital locally produced raw materials, transportation, insurance and other services. This in turn has increased the volume of trade in host nations which translate to increase GDP. Shell Oil Company in Nigeria apart from having its own trucks now and then it hires the services of local transporters for critical supplies. This way the firm saves on insurance cost and transport logistics which are the responsibility of the contracted transporters. This is just an oil drop in the sea, there is much more business partnering with local firms where foreign firms are located across the globe. In addition, outsourcing earns the host country foreign exchange through exports of products produced by these companies. The realisation of this venture is of great importance to the host country in improving its balance of trade than when these companies are out of the country. Countries like china, Korea among others, will tell of increased earnings from foreign exchange through exportation of foreign firms products to their home countries markets or elsewhere since most of the products are not meant for local markets. Furthermore, the multinational firms may direct some of their product to the local market thus providing the local consumers with a wider consumer basket to choose from. Variety of goods in the market is a positive business environment and the country may diversify in its consumption thus real socio-economic development. It is a clear phenomenon when we see