Friday, December 27, 2019

The Character of Lennie in Of Mice and Men Essay - 673 Words

The Character of Lennie in Of Mice and Men In my opinion, Lennie Small is the most interesting character in Steinbecks novel Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck does a very good job describing and characterizing Lennies personality. Lennies character is, indeed, quite unique. A large man with enormous strength, yet kind and childlike, he seems to find joy in simple life pleasures like petting a furry animal and making the water ripple. Lennies greatest difficulty seems to be remembering; and it is the lack of the ability to remember that ultimately leads to his tragedy at the end of the book. In the novel, Steinbeck seems to reinforce Lennies characteristics of strength, kindness, childlike manner, and somewhat animal-like personality.†¦show more content†¦God almighty, I never seen such a strong guy. Childlike Lennies character exhibits a rather childlike manner. He seems to do and see things like a child. His pleasures are those of an innocent youngster. For example, in the first chapter, he delights in making the water ripple, and he is content to pet a dead mouse. In addition, Lennies childlike manner is portrayed in his dependency on George. He listens to everything George tells him and depends on him for necessities such as food and water. In fact, it seems that without George Lennie would be unable to survive. Animal-Like It seems that Lennie often resembles an animal. In fact, his responses to life are much like those of an animal. For example, like a pet dog, he gives his complete devotion to his friend George. Lennie trusts George and, like an affectionate puppy, tries very hard to do things that please George. In his writing, Steinbeck literally compares Lennie to animals. For example, the author associates Lennies strength to that of a horse. Furthermore, in the scene when after killing Curleys wife Lennie flees to the grove near the river, as George has told him to, Steinbeck describes Lennie moving as silently as a creeping bear and drinking like a weary animal. Steinbeck fully develops the animal comparison at the end of the novel by drawing a parallel between Candy and his old dog and George and dog-like Lennie. Like Candys useless old dog, after the incident withShow MoreRelatedEssay on Character Traits of Lennie in Of Mice and Men996 Words   |  4 PagesValley, after the Great Depression, there were a large number of unemployed workers seeking jobs. In the fiction novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, Lennie Small is among one of those men. Lennie and his friend George both have just received jobs on a ranch as farm workers. What brings the two together is their dream to someday own their own land. Lennie has a lot of character and personality traits that define him. One trait that he has is he is very forgetful. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Value Alignment - 990 Words

Running Head: VALUE ALIGNMENT Value Alignment Value Alignment Ethics and corporate values play a significant role in an organization and are both imperative to success. To attain a successful alignment between individual and corporate values, there needs to be a synergy between the employee and the organization he or she work for. The benefits contain significant value to both the organization and the employee. Established in 1898 as Brad s Drink, PepsiCo has grown substantially and is a carbonated soft drink sold in 190 countries worldwide. Ethics play an important role in PepsiCo s mission and vision statements, which in turn, supports employees whose values are parallel. Circumstances, surroundings, and†¦show more content†¦Pepsi believes in truth, respect, responsibility, and empowering people to be the best. My personal and professional values share similar aspects. At work employers expect honesty, respect, and completion of a job well done. Values are an important part of running a business successfully. The va lues that executives bring into the organization form the work environment for the rest of the employees. This helps to build a strong mission and vision in which the organization strives to run the company by. Pepsi is no exception to this rule. The Pepsi Company understands that there is a lot of competition in the market, so in order for them to stay competitive the executive need to make decisions that show that there values come with every decision that is made. Just like the organization stated that they understand that what is good for society should be good for business. The reason they say this is that they want consumers to understand that they will make decisions based on what is good for both and not just business. They want to make sure that consumers understand that values are important to running the business. No matter what types of values run drive an individual or an organization, it is important for business to have positive morals and values to be successfu l. This is why Pepsi believes in â€Å"Performance with a purpose.† References Business Dictionary. (2010).Show MoreRelatedValue Alignment Essay1221 Words   |  5 PagesValue Alignment for Wal-Mart Fadi Anadri, Betrina Hood, Schercitha Miller, Samantha Redfearn BUS/475 Bill Crigger July 21, 2010 Value Alignment for Wal-Mart An individual’s personal values depict what is important in his or her life, and such values often determine his or her behavior. Furthermore, values are an enlightenment of why people act or react the way they do, based on their personal beliefs. The combined values of an individual and organization must be compatibleRead MoreValue Alignment1385 Words   |  6 PagesValue Alignment One company recognized worldwide for its family oriented services and performances is The Disney Company. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Titan Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Question: Discuss about the Titan for Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Answer: Introduction The assignment focuses on 20-Petaflop Cray XK7 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory which achieves the mission U.S department of energy and security. The mission is achieved with the help of 20-petaopCray XK7 system, which is named Titan. The essay discusses various applications, architecture, software system as well as programming system of Titan. Discussion Titan is a hybrid Cray XK7 system, which is one of the most capable third generation computers which are an up gradation of Jaguar system. It is the first company of the world with multipetaflop system for deploying different types of heterogeneous compute nodes. Its architecture of constitutes of accelerator and processor, design of the node, interconnect and sstorage system. It is analyzed that Accelerator and Processor uses AMD Opteron 6274 Interlagos 16-core processor. Titan also constitutes software system which consists of Operating System, file system, System administration and Scheduler. The operating system that used is HPC-optimized Linux environment which helps in proper administrating the system. The model that is used is all message passing interface (MPI) helps in representing a paradigm shift in various types of programming as well as hardware models. The shared file system is totally dependent on Lusture, DDN as well as InfiniBand and the OLFC is committed for developing various types of tools that helps the researchers in managing results. It is analyzed that visualization is created for helping the researchers in understanding various types of data visualization technique. Conclusion It can be concluded that OLFC plays an important role in delivering the most important resources. It has provided very much powerful mashie for supporting the mission effectively. It is analyzed that the applications of the system constitute more than 50% of the workload of the system of Jaguar. The assignment provides number of other applications which are very much advantageous.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Policies and Regulations for the Twenty

Despite the fact that cholera is no longer the plague of the humankind, it still remains a tangible threat, no matter how hard one might wish to believe that the disease was fatal only in the 19th century. True, a range of methods for preventing cholera epidemics have been developed since then, including a range of vaccines, development of basic hygiene principles, etc.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Policies and Regulations for the Twenty-first Century Healthcare Organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The disease itself, however, did not vanish without a trace – the instances of cholera still occur, and, to prevent lethal cases triggered by the disease, a range of guidelines have been designed for healthcare organizations to protect people from contracting a virus of cholera (Schlipkà ¶ter Flahault, 2010). When it comes to mentioning major organizations, which provide detailed recommendations o n preventing outbreaks of cholera, one must mention the World health Organization as the leader in securing people from cholera. Indeed, according to the official statement of the WHO, a range of steps used to address the early stages of the cholera epidemics outbreak have been designed for the subordinate organizations to comply with. The WHO demands that notifications should be sent by the health authorities that have spotted the symptoms of cholera: â€Å"Under the terms of the International Health Regulations of 1969, cholera is one of three diseases for which it is mandatory to notify the World Health Organization† (WHO, n. d., p. 11). Other organizations, though following the WHO standards for the most part, have been provided with a specific set of actions to be undertaken apart from sending notifications to the WHO. Moreover, numerous organizations have defined their own pattern of addressing the problem based on the requirements listed by the WHO. For example, the Pa n American Health Organization mentions the necessity for the control of the water sanitation process to be carried out by the corresponding services so that the threat of cholera epidemics could be driven to nil (CSIS, 2013, p. 6). In addition to the regulations designed by the WHO, the members of the UNICEF Organization have also provided their rules and guidelines on the course of actions for an organization to follow in case of an outbreak of cholera epidemics.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Unlike the WHO, which provides rather brief guidelines for organizations to act in case of epidemics of cholera, UNICEF focuses much more on providing citizens with the safety that they need and instructing them on what must be done if an outbreak of cholera occurs. More importantly, the UNICEF Organization specifies the precaution measures that must be taken in order to void cholera e pidemics; these measures include specific guidelines concerning personal hygiene and sanitation. In addition, the UNICEF Organization explains how the isolation of the people that have contracted cholera must be carried out (UNICEF, 2012, p. 26). Finally and most importantly, the UNICEF Organization outlines the course of actions for community engagement, which is bound to reduce the possibility of cholera epidemics. Comparing the regulations defined by two major health organizations, one must give UNICEF credit for offering an incredibly detailed set of recommendations and rules. The members of the UNICEF have taken every minor detail into account and have provided all the rules required, including the burial procedure. In addition, the information provided by UNICEF includes the information on the possible causes of the epidemics, such as water contamination (UNICEF, 2012, p. 24). Therefore, out of the three major sets of recommendations, the ones provided by UNICEF are clearly su perior in clarity and efficiency and can be used as the basic guidelines in case of a cholera outbreak. Reference List CSIS (2013). Water and sanitation in the time of cholera. Web. Schlipkà ¶ter, U. Flahault, A. (2010). Communicable diseases: achievements and challenges for public health. Public Health Reviews, 32(1), 90-119.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Policies and Regulations for the Twenty-first Century Healthcare Organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More UNICEF (2012). Cholera outbreak guidelines. Web. WHO (n. d.). Guidelines for cholera control. Web. This essay on Policies and Regulations for the Twenty-first Century Healthcare Organizations was written and submitted by user Greyson R. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.